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Annexes Chapter 1. Poultry Inspection Programs Food. Annex A Data Collection Forms. The following documents are available upon request from CFIA inspectors A. Flock Sheets. Template For Flock Sheets For Ducks. A. 2 Presentation Standards. Defects Log Traditional Presentation Standards. Defects Log Presentation Standards For MPIP Process Evaluation and Corrective Measures Evaluation. Defects Log ISO Based Presentation Standard For Sorting and Veterinary Dispositions. A. 3 Defect Detection Standards DDSDefect Detection Standards Process Evaluation and Corrective Measures Evaluation. Defect Detection Standards Defects Log Post Chill Product Verification. A. 4 Reprocessing and Reconditioning Standards. Defects Log Off Line ReprocessingReconditioning for Poultry. A. 5 Carcass Dressing Standards CDSCarcass Dressing Standards Defects Log Process Evaluation and Corrective Measures Evaluation Chicken. Join TekTips Today Join your peers on the Internets largest technical computer professional community. Its easy to join and its free. Heres Why Members Love. SecurityStudy. The Seventh Edition of Introduction to Statistical Quality Control provides a comprehensive treatment of the major aspects of using statistical methodology for. Carcass Dressing Standards Defects Log Post Chill Verification Chicken. Qt Serial Port Communication Example Videos. Carcass Dressing Standards Defects Log Process Evaluation and Corrective Measures Evaluation Fowl. Free Copy Of Iso 2859 Chartway' title='Free Copy Of Iso 2859 Chartway' />Carcass Dressing Standards Defects Log Post Chill Verification Fowl. Carcass Dressing Standards Defects Log Process Evaluation and Corrective Measures Evaluation Turkey. Free Copy Of Iso 2859 Chart' title='Free Copy Of Iso 2859 Chart' />Free Copy Of Iso 2859 ChartCarcass Dressing Standards Defects Log Post Chill Verification TurkeyPhase In Period Carcass Dressing Standards Defects Log Process Evaluation and Corrective Measures Evaluation QuailPhase In Period Carcass Dressing Standards Defects Log Post Chill Verification Quail. A. 6 Poultry Reinspection Standards. Poultry Reinspection Worksheet For Use With the Poultry Reinspection Program. A. 7 Preparation of Offal For Edible Purposes or Animal Food. Defects Log Poultry Paws or Feet ISO Sampling Plan 2. AQL  2. 5, Sample Size  5. FeetPaws, Inspection Type  Normal. A. 8 Specific Quality Control Programs. Defects Log Head and Feet On Carcasses ISO Sampling Plan 2. Sample Size  2. 0 Carcasses, Inspection Type  Normal. A. 9 Condemnation Certificate For Poultry. Condemnation Certificate For Poultry. A. 1. 0 Rejection Certificate For Poultry. Rejection Certificate For Poultry. A. 1. 1 Evisceration Standard For Poultry. Evisceration Standards Defects Log. Process Evaluation and Corrective Measures Evaluation Chicken, Fowl. Evisceration Standards Defects Log. Process Evaluation and Corrective Measures Evaluation Turkey. Annex B Training and Accreditation Protocol. B. 1. Introduction. It is industrys responsibility to produce safe and wholesome poultry products of acceptable quality. This is facilitated by having industry assume responsibility for detection and removal of defective poultry carcasses during the slaughter process. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency CFIA has developed this training and accreditation protocol to ensure that establishment staff assigned to specific tasks carries out their duties competently, so that operations proceed under optimum conditions. The training and accreditation provided by CFIA staff shall be carried out as described herein. Company trainers must use equivalent procedures. All employees assigned to one or more of the following five 5 positions must be trained and accredited as per this protocol Defect detectors carcass, cavity, viscera Rejecters. Footnote 2. 4 carcass and viscera Evisceration Standards monitors Presentation Standards monitors. Defect Detection Standards DDS monitors and. Carcass Dressing Standards CDS monitors. Establishment employees may be trained and accredited for all five 5 tasks or any combination thereof. Training and accreditation is also species specific. For example, an employee who works on broiler and fowl defect detection must therefore be trained and accredited for both species. The operator must keep up to date records Forms I to VI of this annex of each employees training and accreditation results for government audit. Copies of all available training and accreditation materials for the industry employees are to be maintained in the establishment office while the copies for the trainers are kept in the CFIA office. Free Copy Of Iso 2859 Chart House' title='Free Copy Of Iso 2859 Chart House' />B. General Accreditation Requirements. Hoyle Card Games Demo. To become accredited, an employee must pass A knowledge evaluation consisting of an off line theoretical test and. An ability evaluation consisting of an on line practical test. Note All employees assigned to the positions described in this Annex must posses the physical attributes required to perform their tasks such as wear glasses corrective lenses when required to see fine details at high line speeds andpass a test for colour blindness to ensure that they can distinguish colour. B. 2. 1. Accreditation Requirements for Establishment Trainers. The CFIA shall provide training and accreditation to designated establishment trainers for the five 5 positions previously listed. A specific accreditation is also required for each of the three 3 defect detection stations carcass, viscera and cavity and for each of the two 2 rejection stations carcass and viscera. A minimum of two 2 establishment employees shall be chosen by the operator to act as designated establishment trainers. Establishment trainers must perform in a manner satisfactory to the Veterinarian in Charge VIC. If a replacement becomes necessary, CFIA staff shall train the new trainer as soon as possible. Once trained and accredited, the establishment trainers shall function as trainers and accreditors for the remaining establishment employees. The CFIA verifies the Operators written training and accreditation program to ensure that the delivery of that program is in compliance with all the requirements contained in this Annex. The accreditation of the Establishment Trainers shall include Establishment Trainers. Trainee Position. Theoretical Evaluation. Practical Evaluation. Tenda 11N Wireless Pci Adapter Driver. Trial Period 4 weeksPeriodic Review. On Line Defect Detectors. No. Yes. On Line Rejecters. No. Yes. Off line Defect Detectors. No. Yes. Off Line Rejecters. No. Yes. Evisceration Standards Monitor. Questionnaire. 1 evisceration test. No. Yes. Presentation Standards Monitor. Questionnaire. 1 presentation test. No. Yes. DDS Monitor. Questionnaire. 1 DDS test. No. Yes. CDS Monitor. Questionnaire. 1 CDS test. No. Yes. Note Evaluations for the trainer of defect detectionrejection are specific for each defect detectionrejection station carcass, cavity or visceraTo ensure that the trainer of the DDS monitors have adequate knowledge of DDS defects, DDS monitor trainers also need to be accredited as a defect detector. An off line defect detector does not work on the main evisceration line, such as employees who eviscerate and assess for defects non eviscerated carcasses removed from the evisceration line etc. The Trial Period of four 4 weeks for the trainer of defect detectors is not required unless the trainers also functions as a replacement for any of the defect detection stations. For the accreditation of the trainers of the Presentation Standards monitors, the DDS monitors and the CDS monitors, please refer to the sections related to the accreditation of these monitors. B. 2. 2. Accreditation Requirements for Defect Detectors and Rejecters.